So today in PE, we were finishing up the wrestling tests. But since we had already finished, we went to go sit on this folded up mat thing that was against the wall. And more people came over, and soon we're trying to fit seven people on the one mattress thing, and we're all being pushed into each other to make room for the last person when someone's like, "Somebody should just lie down on top of our legs."
And I go, "MEEEEE!"
And Samantha's like, "Yeah! Do it, Rebecca."
So I basically do this
Except since we have more people, and I am shorter than the man in the purple shirt, I'm on top of a bunch of legs from head to toe with room to spare. So I get cozy and nestle my head in someone's lap when KATHERINE TIAN TICKLES MY FEET. And I'm extremely ticklish so I scream and roll off of them and they laugh and I'm just lying on my face on the floor in front of them wailing.
Samantha, Estell, Sharon, Katherine, Ada, Lesley, Cara
I think
I'm not sure
My blog is the fourth item that shows up on Google!
Under the right circumstances, with certain keywords, and certain search settings.
But I got this message on Formspring,
And at first, I didn't think much of it. After all, I have 200 and something unanswered messages in my ask box from all of those blogs that ask "Send to All" questions. Basically, I had given up on Formspring.
But after I read it again, I finally kind of made the connection.
And so I went on Google and searched,
But I got this message on Formspring,
And at first, I didn't think much of it. After all, I have 200 and something unanswered messages in my ask box from all of those blogs that ask "Send to All" questions. Basically, I had given up on Formspring.
But after I read it again, I finally kind of made the connection.
And so I went on Google and searched,
(It's the last one.)
For English, we have to make a Poem Portfolio.
It's due December 2, and I probably should be working on it since I'm pretty behind and I'm no good at poetry any more.
But for part of it, we have to make models of 4 poems either from a certain website or certain author or whatever. And I was looking, and some of them are just so sad.
Why do people do this? Why, Shel Silverstein? Why do you have to be such a good poet?
You are a kid's poet; why do you have to be so sad and make me cry?
It's due December 2, and I probably should be working on it since I'm pretty behind and I'm no good at poetry any more.
But for part of it, we have to make models of 4 poems either from a certain website or certain author or whatever. And I was looking, and some of them are just so sad.
Why do people do this? Why, Shel Silverstein? Why do you have to be such a good poet?
You are a kid's poet; why do you have to be so sad and make me cry?
So I was listening to my torrented iTunes music when "Raise Your Glass" came up.
(Click the title, it'll take you to the song.)
And like, I downloaded it recently. But it said I had listened to it 2 times before already.
Except, at 0:11 after she says "what's the dealio" some Asian guy says something really quickly.
And I heard it, and I was like,
And started looking through all of my Chrome tabs to see if there was some random advertisement. But there was none. And I replayed my song, and there it was again.
And then at the end, there's some weird Japanese woman talking.
It is weird.
I mean, I've listened to the song before!
iTunes says so!
So why have I never noticed the Japanese parts before?
(Click the title, it'll take you to the song.)
And like, I downloaded it recently. But it said I had listened to it 2 times before already.
Except, at 0:11 after she says "what's the dealio" some Asian guy says something really quickly.
And I heard it, and I was like,
And started looking through all of my Chrome tabs to see if there was some random advertisement. But there was none. And I replayed my song, and there it was again.
And then at the end, there's some weird Japanese woman talking.
It is weird.
I mean, I've listened to the song before!
iTunes says so!
So why have I never noticed the Japanese parts before?
Hot Steamy Bathroom Sex
Just kidding I just put that there so you guys would read this.
So at the very beginning of the year, Lesley and I would walk to 4th period PE together since she's in the B-Wing and I'm in C. But since at least one of us always had to pee, we stopped waiting for each other and would just leave.
So yeah. That's part of our routine now. Peeing before 4th Period.
Today, I walked into the bathroom as usual, and I could tell Lesley was in there because I saw her lit book on the paper towel machine and I could recognize her shoes. And since nobody else was there, I just walked into the stall next to her.
I guess she recognized my shoes too, because while I was pulling down my pants, I saw her hand slowly go underneath the stall wall and silently wave at me. And then I kicked it and she was like, "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW"
I don't know why I'm telling you guys this, but yeah. It made me feel happy.
I should make more friends to do this with.
So at the very beginning of the year, Lesley and I would walk to 4th period PE together since she's in the B-Wing and I'm in C. But since at least one of us always had to pee, we stopped waiting for each other and would just leave.
So yeah. That's part of our routine now. Peeing before 4th Period.
Today, I walked into the bathroom as usual, and I could tell Lesley was in there because I saw her lit book on the paper towel machine and I could recognize her shoes. And since nobody else was there, I just walked into the stall next to her.
I guess she recognized my shoes too, because while I was pulling down my pants, I saw her hand slowly go underneath the stall wall and silently wave at me. And then I kicked it and she was like, "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW"
I don't know why I'm telling you guys this, but yeah. It made me feel happy.
I should make more friends to do this with.
So someone just rang the doorbell, and my mom went over to see who it was.
Turns out she had accidentally left the porch light on (why was it even on in the first place?) so some trick-or-treaters thought we had candy. But we didn't have any candy, and I was like "omg what do we do what do we do" but my mom just turned off the light and walked away.
And I feel really terrible about it. What if I was trick-or-treating? I'm having a good time with my friends and we see this one lone porch light in the middle of an otherwise quite and lonely street, and say, "Hey guys! There's one over there!"
And we scamper over, giggling, excited. What kind of candy will we get? Will they be nice? Yeahh, I love candy. And we ring the doorbell and get ready to yell out, "TRICK OR TREAT!"
A few seconds pass, and still, nobody has answered. The light goes off, leaving us in the dark. Our Halloween spirit distinguished.
Sigh. Now I feel like such a grinch.
Turns out she had accidentally left the porch light on (why was it even on in the first place?) so some trick-or-treaters thought we had candy. But we didn't have any candy, and I was like "omg what do we do what do we do" but my mom just turned off the light and walked away.
And I feel really terrible about it. What if I was trick-or-treating? I'm having a good time with my friends and we see this one lone porch light in the middle of an otherwise quite and lonely street, and say, "Hey guys! There's one over there!"
And we scamper over, giggling, excited. What kind of candy will we get? Will they be nice? Yeahh, I love candy. And we ring the doorbell and get ready to yell out, "TRICK OR TREAT!"
A few seconds pass, and still, nobody has answered. The light goes off, leaving us in the dark. Our Halloween spirit distinguished.
Sigh. Now I feel like such a grinch.
The “I Am” Poem
The final poem I will ask you to include in your poetry writing project is called an “I Am” poem.
This poem is supposed to reveal who you are. It follows a script, which you can depart from if
you feel it is necessary. Think of the script as a launching pad from which your creativity begins
a journey. See where it will go! To write an “I Am” poem, begin with this pattern:
I am… (two special characteristics)
I wonder… (something you could actually wonder about.)
I hear… (imaginary or actual sounds)
I see… (imaginary or actual sights)
I want… (a desire you could have)
I am… (repeat the first line of the poem)
I pretend… (something you might pretend to do)
I feel… (a feeling about the imaginary)
I touch… (an imaginary touch)
I worry… (something that really bothers you)
I cry… (something that makes you sad)
I am… (repeat the first line of the poem)
I understand… (something you know to be true)
I say… (something you believe in)
I dream… (something you dream about)
I try… (something you make an effort to do)
I hope… (something you really hope for)
I am… (repeat the first line of the poem
I am bolding this so you know that this is the part that I'm writing. So for English, we have to write an I Am poem. I am stuck. There is nothing interesting about me. He wants the poem to be deep, revealing. It can't just answer the questions. They all have to relate. What to dooo
Steves Jobs died.
He actually did.
I didn't believe it at first since there have been Internet rumors about his death going around since like 2006.
I didn't believe it at first since there have been Internet rumors about his death going around since like 2006.
Speaking of which, I have composed a list of Ways to Make Other People Feel Uncomfortable.
I probably won't ever do any of these since I don't need them to be awkward, but just in case any of you don't know what it's like, here you go.
You might want to make your text size bigger.
Edit: Or just click on the picture. That works too.
You might want to make your text size bigger.
Edit: Or just click on the picture. That works too.
So my mom just brought over a plate of apple slices.
And in the other hand, she was holding a bowl of papaya.
(Chinese people love papaya, I don't know why.)
And she was like, "Here, have a bite."
Me: Yuck.
Mom: Papaya is good for girls. It makes your (boobs in Chinese) grow bigger.
But by this time, I wasn't listening to her anymore since I most lividly and fervently despise papayas and was eyeing the plate of apples and was like, "Why are they so small?"
And my mom was like, "Well, I know they might seem small right now-"
And I was like, "What? No, the apples."
And she was like,
"Oh. Hee hee hee...."
(Chinese people love papaya, I don't know why.)
And she was like, "Here, have a bite."
Me: Yuck.
Mom: Papaya is good for girls. It makes your (boobs in Chinese) grow bigger.
But by this time, I wasn't listening to her anymore since I most lividly and fervently despise papayas and was eyeing the plate of apples and was like, "Why are they so small?"
And my mom was like, "Well, I know they might seem small right now-"
And I was like, "What? No, the apples."
And she was like,
"Oh. Hee hee hee...."
The other day in PE, I was eavesdropping on a conversation.
And they were talking about how all of their birthdays were on Monday this year.
And one girl was like, "Nobody's going to remember it and I'm going to cry. But I don't want to bug everyone and tell them to buy me a gift over the weekend."
SOOOO. This year, I'm going to try to acknowledge all of my Acquaintances' birthdays! As in, more than just a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" when I pass them on the way to class. I am going to give them an actual, tangible thing that is up to them whether or not they want to actually keep it.
I do not have enough money to buy everyone gifts. But I will try to write cards that are straight from my heart. I have already started on Hairol's and Deborah Chew's.
By the way, my birthday's on a Monday too this year. *hinthint* (:
And one girl was like, "Nobody's going to remember it and I'm going to cry. But I don't want to bug everyone and tell them to buy me a gift over the weekend."
SOOOO. This year, I'm going to try to acknowledge all of my Acquaintances' birthdays! As in, more than just a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" when I pass them on the way to class. I am going to give them an actual, tangible thing that is up to them whether or not they want to actually keep it.
I do not have enough money to buy everyone gifts. But I will try to write cards that are straight from my heart. I have already started on Hairol's and Deborah Chew's.
By the way, my birthday's on a Monday too this year. *hinthint* (:
But seriously, guys.
Why don't you guys play the picture game I posted two posts down?
It'll make me look dumb if nobody comments :c
It'll make me look dumb if nobody comments :c
In Which I am Almost Noticed and the Holy Coco Crisps Beneath the Bell Tower
Today during Health, we had these 4 girls from Peer Resources come in as Guest Speakers. I thought they were all really cute and that the talk was interesting. Basically, they had two lists on the board, Dislikes (no me gustas) and Likes (Gustas). And they went around the room and everyone had to say something that they either liked or disliked that other people do.
For example: I like people who smile, I dislike negative people.
And since EVERYBODY had to say something, that means I participated for the very first time. I'm not exactly sure how I worded it, but it was really awkward since I didn't really know how to explain it. But basically, I said something along the lines of, "I dislike people who scan other people up and down with their eyes."
And a bunch of people started laughing, to my pleasant surprise. It was pretty awesome since I think that might have been the first time a lot of people even noticed I was there in the class. So while people were laughing, one of the group speakers (she was my favorite. Myra?) said, "I KNOW! Guys, when you do that, try to be a little more discreet, or at least do it from a distance. When a guy starts looking below my neck, it makes me a little uncomfortable..." and then she laughed.
But I was like, "wait wot." Since
The good thing about that lesson though was that now I know some things that people like other people to do, so maybe I can use this new knowledge to help increase my social skills. Yeah!
Now move on to lunch.
We were just sitting on like this bench table thing near the Bell Tower and the Student Store. And I noticed at the very top of the Bell Tower platform was this random cereal box. And if you were there in that moment, you would understand why I was so awed by it.
For example: I like people who smile, I dislike negative people.
And since EVERYBODY had to say something, that means I participated for the very first time. I'm not exactly sure how I worded it, but it was really awkward since I didn't really know how to explain it. But basically, I said something along the lines of, "I dislike people who scan other people up and down with their eyes."
And a bunch of people started laughing, to my pleasant surprise. It was pretty awesome since I think that might have been the first time a lot of people even noticed I was there in the class. So while people were laughing, one of the group speakers (she was my favorite. Myra?) said, "I KNOW! Guys, when you do that, try to be a little more discreet, or at least do it from a distance. When a guy starts looking below my neck, it makes me a little uncomfortable..." and then she laughed.
But I was like, "wait wot." Since
- This has never applied to me before and
- That was like the opposite of what I was saying. No, not at all.
The good thing about that lesson though was that now I know some things that people like other people to do, so maybe I can use this new knowledge to help increase my social skills. Yeah!
Now move on to lunch.
We were just sitting on like this bench table thing near the Bell Tower and the Student Store. And I noticed at the very top of the Bell Tower platform was this random cereal box. And if you were there in that moment, you would understand why I was so awed by it.
Sorry, it looked a lot more impressive in real life. And I shook Cari and pointed it out to her, and she told me to get it since I couldn't take my eyes off of it.
And I know that the Bell Tower steps aren't really tall enough to be a hazard to your safety, but like. They were tall enough that you might attract attention if you were just standing at the very top. So I kind of just sat down, and step by step, I would kind of stretch and move up to the next one and sit down until I got to the top. And when I did, I reached out for the cereal box, and it tipped over with a thud.
And I was like, "wait wot" again because it was really heavy. And then I looked inside and there was a TEXTBOOK in it, and I was like, "ahhhhhh this is not normal" and I stared at Cari for help but I couldn't tell what she was saying so I just left it there and ran back down and she told me I didn't put it back up right but I didn't want to the end why did i even tell you guys this lol
Let's play a game!
So I was going to do this like a week ago, but as you can see, I haven't been on in a while.
I'm going to pretend it is still Last Week.
So a few days ago, I was looking through some of my computer files, when I saw this picture that I had drawn to prove some kind of point to my friend. I dunno.
Basically, it's a guy at my school, my grade.
Normally, I don't even talk to him and I doubt that he even remembers me, but I really have to show this picture to someone because, I have to say, it is just. So accurate. Like I am actually proud of it.
So to make sure it's not just me imagining it, why don't you guys guess who it is? :D
I'm going to pretend it is still Last Week.
So a few days ago, I was looking through some of my computer files, when I saw this picture that I had drawn to prove some kind of point to my friend. I dunno.
Basically, it's a guy at my school, my grade.
Normally, I don't even talk to him and I doubt that he even remembers me, but I really have to show this picture to someone because, I have to say, it is just. So accurate. Like I am actually proud of it.
So to make sure it's not just me imagining it, why don't you guys guess who it is? :D
So today while I was driving home, I saw Michael Liu walking on my street.
I don't think he lives here, but he probably has to cross it every day to get home!
And since our security camera runs 24/7, that means I probably have an accumulated half-hour's worth of footage of Michael walking past my house.
And since our security camera runs 24/7, that means I probably have an accumulated half-hour's worth of footage of Michael walking past my house.
Wow. Hi guys.
I haven't posted in so long since it's just been too tedious having to switch e-mails to log onto Blogger ever since my old one got disabled.
I had a lot to write about but I don't remember any of it so I'll start small.
I haven't posted in so long since it's just been too tedious having to switch e-mails to log onto Blogger ever since my old one got disabled.
I had a lot to write about but I don't remember any of it so I'll start small.
Now excuse me, I'm going to get myself sorted.
When I am done,
my username is
Now excuse me, I'm going to get myself sorted.
When I am done,
my username is
I made pumpkin soup! :)
It took like 2 and a half hours though haha.
But it was fun, when it wasn't frustrating and tearing up my soul.
And I would take a picture of it, but it really just looks like a milkshake since I blended the soup at the end.
But no matter how bad it might taste, I will still love it forever and ever because I made it and it's like my own baby.
And while I was cooking it, I got to do the thing where the chef lifts up the spoon and tastes the end and puts it back in and continues mixing. Then at the end I just picked up the entire spoon and licked everything off of it like cookie dough.
But it was fun, when it wasn't frustrating and tearing up my soul.
And I would take a picture of it, but it really just looks like a milkshake since I blended the soup at the end.
But no matter how bad it might taste, I will still love it forever and ever because I made it and it's like my own baby.
And while I was cooking it, I got to do the thing where the chef lifts up the spoon and tastes the end and puts it back in and continues mixing. Then at the end I just picked up the entire spoon and licked everything off of it like cookie dough.
Dear Michelle
August 24, 2011
Dear Michelle,
So you left to go to your dorm high school boarding school or whatever yesterday. And before you left, you tried to say goodbye to me on Gmail but I wasn't there. And I'm really really sorry for that and for not being able to say bye to you.
WHEN I REALIZED WHAT I HAD DONE, I went to your Facebook wall and posted
Dear Michelle,
So you left to go to your dorm high school boarding school or whatever yesterday. And before you left, you tried to say goodbye to me on Gmail but I wasn't there. And I'm really really sorry for that and for not being able to say bye to you.
WHEN I REALIZED WHAT I HAD DONE, I went to your Facebook wall and posted
And oh gosh I just saw what Richard posted right after me about how you don't have internet in your dorm which makes it all the more worse.
So anyway, I'm going to try and keep up on the promise and write you a letter everyday, or at least every day for this week. It'll kind of be like in the Notebook, how Ryan Gosling wrote a letter everyday and she didn't know. And you won't know I'm doing this until you get Internet somewhere and I'll leave this link on your wall or something and hopefully I will have more than just this letter to show for it.
But since everyone else probably doesn't want to read whatever I have to tell you since I usually don't have any topic in mind when I'm talking to you, I'm going to figure out a way to have some sort of read more thing. And then every time I write a new letter I'll just put it at the top so you don't have to scroll all the way to the bottom.
I don't really know what I'm going to write about every day but
I found the dial turn rotation lock you gave me 2 years ago before you moved. I think I might use it for Mission since I didn't buy a lock today at orientation :) I also forgot to buy P.E. clothes today at orientation, but I'll figure what to do about that later.
Have you ever seen a picture of Emily Dickinson? I have, since I have a Kindle, and when you turn it off, it shows you a picture of a random historical person.
The Emily Dickinson photo was creeping me out, so if you really want to see it, just go Google Image it yourself. Thanks! |
I hope you have fun living the college experience in a dorm full of other girls! You guys can have pillow fights and talk about boys and take showers together and I bet it'll be fun and maybe you'll have a friendship like they do in A-Channel and everything will be awesome and fun.
Forever & always,
Rebecca Wu :)
So continuing on about my herpaderp ID,
I'm so embarrassed by it that it's funny.
Like... somewhere in all that humiliation, I detached myself from the picture so it's like I'm looking at someone else's. It's funny now.
Like... somewhere in all that humiliation, I detached myself from the picture so it's like I'm looking at someone else's. It's funny now.
But anyway here is my schedule for next year:
English Boegman
Health Ruebling
Alg 2/ Trig Pham
Pe 1 Vaz
Sculpt/ Ceram Barton
Bio Estabrook
And I really haven't found anyone that I have classes with (I've been scouring the Facebook News Feed) except for some popular people in P.E. which just makes it worse.
And Izzy Win Gow in Sculpturing and Ceramics. But seriously, I think it might be like just us two in the class. (I know, not really, but still.) I mean, I haven't even found someone my grade who's taking it at all, and I bet only a handful of upper classmen have heard of it. So I'm probably not making any friends in that class.
But I can make a volcano chip dip hat! YEAHHHHHH
Health Ruebling
Alg 2/ Trig Pham
Pe 1 Vaz
Sculpt/ Ceram Barton
Bio Estabrook
And I really haven't found anyone that I have classes with (I've been scouring the Facebook News Feed) except for some popular people in P.E. which just makes it worse.
And Izzy Win Gow in Sculpturing and Ceramics. But seriously, I think it might be like just us two in the class. (I know, not really, but still.) I mean, I haven't even found someone my grade who's taking it at all, and I bet only a handful of upper classmen have heard of it. So I'm probably not making any friends in that class.
But I can make a volcano chip dip hat! YEAHHHHHH
So while I'm here and everyone's at the party,
Let's talk about how I have the derpiest I.D. picture ever.
First I'm going to blame the photographer for it (even though it's really not his fault.) I thought I was super smart to go to the last line where they had this really young photographer guy and there was absolutely no line.
So I should've seen the signs. He is young = experienced. No line = bad service. No not really. He was polite enough I just don't know how to tilt my head and smile and position my knees I'm un-photogenic okay? I know that already qq
So once we get past the horrid expression, messy hair, sweaty face, awkward posture, ugly shirt (it really doesn't look like that in real life), there's something that really bothers me. You can't really see it in the picture since I couldn't hold my hand steady and get a good view, but on my I.D. photo, right at the bottom of my nose, is this little white line.
I don't even know what it is. It's really straight so it might've been something that the printer did. Or it could be a scratch because earlier in the car it fell out of my pocket and got stuck under my car seat where all of the rolling things are.
Can you see it? Well yeah. But it looks really weird. Like maybe I have a line of puss-y pimples lined on the bottom of my nose. But it's really not there.See? ):
And sorry guys you get a side picture. I have this weird webcam where the bottom thing is like.... you pull on it and use it to prop on the computer screen and it's like an alligator mouth but it's really flexible and not steady and my webcam always falls off or tips over because the cable cord is like pulling on it so I just put it on a flat surface which is the copier machine that's on the side of my face but I can't look at the webcam directly since I still need to see the computer screen and see if I'm actually in the picture because I don't know how to camwhore and not have to look at the camera to see if it's pointing at me since I'm shy and nobody likes ugly camwhores and I don't want to end my post like this since it's going to be a whining post as opposed to a post with whining in it so here's a picture of my webcam
I got this from the internet, not from my webcam. Since I can't take a picture of my webcam with my webcam! hahaha |
And forgot to go to the party that's happening right now.
But I already went home where it's air conditioned and took off all these clothes and it feels so nice hahahahaaaahahahahahaboohoohoo
As of this morning, I have dreamt of Darren Criss two nights in a row.
So have you guys heard of this little show called Glee? Yep.
A LONGGGG time back, my friend tried to get me hooked on it and we watched the first two episodes at her house. I thought it was decent and that maybe I would try watching it myself. But no hurry.
Fast forward to the 2010 Golden Globe Awards. I still hadn't gotten to watching any more Glee since I didn't know what time it was on, but I had been an avid Office fan for a few years. So when Glee beat The Office, my brother and I both decided that we hated the show deeply.
And that's how I felt until this August.
I love Darren Criss.
I think he is amazing and talented and beautiful and supermegafoxyawesomehot
I knew that he was in Glee, and I was happy that our Starkid made it to the big time and everything, but I still wasn't really willing to watch Glee. Actually, I did watch parts of two episodes while I was channel surfing. The first one was where he was singing the Bills song, and the second one was when he was at Gap singing to the guy he liked. Maybe it was the same episode. I don't know. But considering his singing was auto-tuned, and that somebody would turn down Darren Criss, I just came out with even worse terms with the show.
But then when the Klaine kiss came, gifs of it were all over Tumblr, and I thought it was really cute. Like really cute.
And then on like the first day of August this year, I saw
and my heart melted. Here is Darren, still being sweet and thoughtful and supermegafoxyawesomehot.
I started watching Glee.
And this shit is pretty damn funny.
I'm watching it in order, though, since I'm watching it online.
And because I thought they weren't showing it on TV until like the 3rd Season comes out whenever it does.
But today during dinner, I was looking at the TV listings, and there, right on Channel 2, was Glee!
In fact, it was the exact episode where the Somewhere Only We Know clip was from.
But yeah this happened earlier today too when I just happened to be watching America's Top Model since nothing else was on. And it was the episode that my friend was talking about back in 6th grade and it was pretty cool
A LONGGGG time back, my friend tried to get me hooked on it and we watched the first two episodes at her house. I thought it was decent and that maybe I would try watching it myself. But no hurry.
Fast forward to the 2010 Golden Globe Awards. I still hadn't gotten to watching any more Glee since I didn't know what time it was on, but I had been an avid Office fan for a few years. So when Glee beat The Office, my brother and I both decided that we hated the show deeply.
And that's how I felt until this August.
I love Darren Criss.
I think he is amazing and talented and beautiful and supermegafoxyawesomehot
I knew that he was in Glee, and I was happy that our Starkid made it to the big time and everything, but I still wasn't really willing to watch Glee. Actually, I did watch parts of two episodes while I was channel surfing. The first one was where he was singing the Bills song, and the second one was when he was at Gap singing to the guy he liked. Maybe it was the same episode. I don't know. But considering his singing was auto-tuned, and that somebody would turn down Darren Criss, I just came out with even worse terms with the show.
He worked with this group before he got famous.
And then on like the first day of August this year, I saw
and my heart melted. Here is Darren, still being sweet and thoughtful and supermegafoxyawesomehot.
I started watching Glee.
And this shit is pretty damn funny.
And because I thought they weren't showing it on TV until like the 3rd Season comes out whenever it does.
But today during dinner, I was looking at the TV listings, and there, right on Channel 2, was Glee!
In fact, it was the exact episode where the Somewhere Only We Know clip was from.
But yeah this happened earlier today too when I just happened to be watching America's Top Model since nothing else was on. And it was the episode that my friend was talking about back in 6th grade and it was pretty cool
So anyway,
I just got back from LA/Irvine yesterday, which I didn't tell anyone so nobody could come rob my house. But yes, I'm back.
I know you've all missed me while I was away,
but to make it up, here's a link that has a handful of all the stuff that amuses me!
Click me!
And no, that is not one of my own Tumblrs out of many and I'm not just giving myself cheap publicity, but you guys should go check it out.
Since I am too lazy to find more pictures to post on my blog like I usually do when I have nothing to write about.
Link Crew is tomorrow!
I'm kind of scared cause it's been a while since I've had to go out and talk to people.
I'm scared of people :<
I dunno.
Maybe I'll make a new friend.
I just got back from LA/Irvine yesterday, which I didn't tell anyone so nobody could come rob my house. But yes, I'm back.
I know you've all missed me while I was away,
but to make it up, here's a link that has a handful of all the stuff that amuses me!
Click me!
And no, that is not one of my own Tumblrs out of many and I'm not just giving myself cheap publicity, but you guys should go check it out.
Since I am too lazy to find more pictures to post on my blog like I usually do when I have nothing to write about.
Link Crew is tomorrow!
I'm kind of scared cause it's been a while since I've had to go out and talk to people.
I'm scared of people :<
I dunno.
Maybe I'll make a new friend.
This little 3rd grade girl who used to bully me in 6th Grade (LOL) added me on Facebook.
And just me.
When you're getting frozen yogurt at Sweet Tomatoes, reach over and grab a brownie from the Bakery section. Then just break it up on top of your yogurt. So it's like a mixture of cold ice cream goodness and warm chocolate brownie.
And today, we went to Sweet Tomatoes again.
Except this time,
Big Brother came with us!
So it was basically just like last time except they charged my brother as a 12 year old and me as 5. lol
Yeah. This is just me advertising one of my old posts instead of making the effort to write another one. Stingy
Big Brother came with us!
So it was basically just like last time except they charged my brother as a 12 year old and me as 5. lol
Yeah. This is just me advertising one of my old posts instead of making the effort to write another one. Stingy
Let's plunge into the warm, wet depths of Cari's love life!
So this kid from one of her summer classes (that's over now) who is 2 years older than her and is like Cantonese and can't really speak English sent her this.
And Cari doesn't like him. As in, she dislikes him if anything. So she asked me what to say, and I told her. But as soon as she sent it, I thought of what would have been an even better response. It made what I told her to say look weaksauce. haha (Did I use weaksauce right?)
But uh, so she just let me talk to him myself, and I decided to use my method from there on. And to save time, this is basically what it looked like, except I fixed our first response.
haha and she ended up blocking him.
It was fun.
And Cari doesn't like him. As in, she dislikes him if anything. So she asked me what to say, and I told her. But as soon as she sent it, I thought of what would have been an even better response. It made what I told her to say look weaksauce. haha (Did I use weaksauce right?)
But uh, so she just let me talk to him myself, and I decided to use my method from there on. And to save time, this is basically what it looked like, except I fixed our first response.
haha and she ended up blocking him.
It was fun.
Oh no it's summer and I don't keep track of days and I completely missed our Class '15 Yard Sale at Mission today.
Guys I got onto Pottermore
But I think I'm going to bed now, so prepare for my excitement to be continued tomorrow. Thank you.
Uh huh
Life'th like thith
Uh huh
Uh huh
Thath the way it ith
Coth lithe like thith
Uh huh, uh huh
Thath the way it ith
Life'th like thith
Uh huh
Uh huh
Thath the way it ith
Coth lithe like thith
Uh huh, uh huh
Thath the way it ith
omg guys,
So you know Shaun White, the guy who won the X games a couple of days ago? Or yesterday. I'm not sure.
But yeah. It's Shaun White, THE SNOW BOARDER.
And while my brother and I were watching the X games, we see this man with long, luscious hair, easily outshining all of the other skaters. And like. It's really weird.
Here is this guy who looks like Shaun White. And we spend a super long time debating with ourselves over whether it's him or not. But after a while, we decide that it isn't Shaun White because his hair color's a bit off or something.
It's just that he has the same hair.
And laugh.
And voice.
And face.
That's all.
Johnny Kapahala.
He went from surfing to snowboarding to dirt boarding.
That's insane.
But yeah. It's Shaun White, THE SNOW BOARDER.
And while my brother and I were watching the X games, we see this man with long, luscious hair, easily outshining all of the other skaters. And like. It's really weird.
Here is this guy who looks like Shaun White. And we spend a super long time debating with ourselves over whether it's him or not. But after a while, we decide that it isn't Shaun White because his hair color's a bit off or something.
It's just that he has the same hair.
And laugh.
And voice.
And face.
That's all.
Johnny Kapahala.
He went from surfing to snowboarding to dirt boarding.
That's insane.
Okay guys. This is just me blogging with paranoia.
But um.
Apparently, there is a murderer on the loose in Fremont.
I am not sure if this is true. I learned this from Jennyfer Yu's Facebook status. LOL. And I don't know if she would be reliable, since it was a "Someone told me that someone saw on the news that...." sort of a thing.
But while my mom and I driving home earlier today. As in like maybe 20 minutes ago? So we were passing by the Lucky's shopping center that's near the Gomes area. And it was kind of just a 2 second thing since we were just driving past on the street.
But I saw this weird man in an orange jumpsuit and he was walking really weirdly. Like, you might avoid this person if you saw them on the street. And he was just in the middle of the parking lot. Not like where the cars are, but where you would have to pass if you had been walking to go to Lucky's. Kind of near the "outside" of the shopping center.
And I saw him for two seconds, but it was sort of a strange sight, so I turned around in my chair and watched him just continue walking like that until we were too far away to see him.
But like. I didn't know if I should tell anyone or anything. Since... "he might be a construction worker." Or something like that LOL
LOL okay. um. And then I went on Facebook, and on my newsfeed, Jennyfer Yu was talking about how there was some murderer on the loose. But yeah. Not too reliable, right?
So I kind of start freaking out.
Because, should I tell someone?
Will it be like me making a big deal of nothing and scaring everyone,
or maybe something bad does end up happening, and now I know that I had information that I should've told somebody, but didn't.
So I was like frantically Googling for any news about a bad guy on the loose in our area.
But all I could find way like
Monkey loose in Fremont, Ohio. Scratches two girls.
blah or maybe it's all just a big misunderstanding
i don't know
sorry :/
Apparently, there is a murderer on the loose in Fremont.
I am not sure if this is true. I learned this from Jennyfer Yu's Facebook status. LOL. And I don't know if she would be reliable, since it was a "Someone told me that someone saw on the news that...." sort of a thing.
But while my mom and I driving home earlier today. As in like maybe 20 minutes ago? So we were passing by the Lucky's shopping center that's near the Gomes area. And it was kind of just a 2 second thing since we were just driving past on the street.
But I saw this weird man in an orange jumpsuit and he was walking really weirdly. Like, you might avoid this person if you saw them on the street. And he was just in the middle of the parking lot. Not like where the cars are, but where you would have to pass if you had been walking to go to Lucky's. Kind of near the "outside" of the shopping center.
And I saw him for two seconds, but it was sort of a strange sight, so I turned around in my chair and watched him just continue walking like that until we were too far away to see him.
But like. I didn't know if I should tell anyone or anything. Since... "he might be a construction worker." Or something like that LOL
LOL okay. um. And then I went on Facebook, and on my newsfeed, Jennyfer Yu was talking about how there was some murderer on the loose. But yeah. Not too reliable, right?
So I kind of start freaking out.
Because, should I tell someone?
Will it be like me making a big deal of nothing and scaring everyone,
or maybe something bad does end up happening, and now I know that I had information that I should've told somebody, but didn't.
So I was like frantically Googling for any news about a bad guy on the loose in our area.
But all I could find way like
Monkey loose in Fremont, Ohio. Scratches two girls.
blah or maybe it's all just a big misunderstanding
i don't know
sorry :/
Today is Natalie Tran's birthday! :)
AKA Youtube celebrity and star, communitychannel
Unfortunately, she hasn't made a video in 3 months, her last one being "Google Maps Breakup."
And according to Wikipedia,
"In a July 2011 interview with Forbes, Tran stated that, while uncertain about her future, she has contemplated the possibility of no longer making videos and pursuing writing instead.[43]"
What happened to videos every 2 days?
Oh well. Apparently she's going to be in a movie soon.
So uh
-Unloyal Fan
Unfortunately, she hasn't made a video in 3 months, her last one being "Google Maps Breakup."
And according to Wikipedia,
"In a July 2011 interview with Forbes, Tran stated that, while uncertain about her future, she has contemplated the possibility of no longer making videos and pursuing writing instead.[43]"
What happened to videos every 2 days?
Oh well. Apparently she's going to be in a movie soon.
So uh
-Unloyal Fan
Okay, if anyone cares:
So the reason why I have been gone so long (especially in the summer!) was because the gmail that is connected to this blog got disabled on like the last day of school for sending out Viagra links (and that wasn't me, I swear) and I got it back for like 2 hours and it was disabled again
and blah blah blah
I tried a lot to get it back
Until I eventually gave up.
And like some time in July, I decided to try one last time, and actually go to the Google Help Forums, and in like 2 hours, I got my gmail back.
But unfortunately, my blog (which had disappeared since that time and the url didn't bring up anything) was still "non-existent." Like I got my Blogger account back, but it said I wasn't an author of any blog and you know. That's kind of the point of my getting-back-my-Google-account. It was for the blog.
But yeah. So for some sudden impulse, I decided to search up my blog again, and there it was! And then I logged out and logged into this Google account and now here my blog is again.
So thank you for not yelling at me for deleting my account, everyone!
Or like to the one and a half people that ever read this.
I mean, like. Just a heads-up. I would never have a post about Joshua Lu be my last one lol.
and blah blah blah
I tried a lot to get it back
Until I eventually gave up.
And like some time in July, I decided to try one last time, and actually go to the Google Help Forums, and in like 2 hours, I got my gmail back.
But unfortunately, my blog (which had disappeared since that time and the url didn't bring up anything) was still "non-existent." Like I got my Blogger account back, but it said I wasn't an author of any blog and you know. That's kind of the point of my getting-back-my-Google-account. It was for the blog.
But yeah. So for some sudden impulse, I decided to search up my blog again, and there it was! And then I logged out and logged into this Google account and now here my blog is again.
So thank you for not yelling at me for deleting my account, everyone!
Or like to the one and a half people that ever read this.
I mean, like. Just a heads-up. I would never have a post about Joshua Lu be my last one lol.
Okay I finally finished Starship today (in case any of you were there when I blogged about it when it first came out)
But yeah, I've been kind of obsessing over it all day. Like.
I'm just spending my time replaying my favorite parts over and over again.
Just alone at the computer.
Just me and my computer.
me and my computer
But yeah, I have to share with you guys.
and then
The part at the very beginning, when he says "I love to kick it up a notch"
And he does that weird growl thing when he says "a"
The thing that people with strong voices do, like black girls and Christina Aguilera and I hope I'm not stereotyping
but I love when people do that.
It's pretty hot when girls do that too
You know you might as well just watch all of it.
You might as well just watch everything Starkid
It's all very good
lol don't worry, he's just dressed up as this guy. This isn't actually Ed.
and you are welcome.
and you are welcome.
I know this is kind of dumb but I feel uncomfortable looking at the Powerpoints for Ricks homework.
We're doing sex ed right now.
And there are like diagrams of everything, and it's not like I'm reading it from a textbook, it's from the computer. My big-monitored computer. My big-monitored computer that faces the door. My parents have guests over. What if one of them walks in on me. What will they think. I'm not looking at penises (penii?) in a textbook, I'm looking at penii (penises?) on the computer. ahhh
they're not even real rebecca
they're not even real
And there are like diagrams of everything, and it's not like I'm reading it from a textbook, it's from the computer. My big-monitored computer. My big-monitored computer that faces the door. My parents have guests over. What if one of them walks in on me. What will they think. I'm not looking at penises (penii?) in a textbook, I'm looking at penii (penises?) on the computer. ahhh
they're not even real rebecca
they're not even real
I know I know I'm basically advertising one my own posts, but since the year's ending I've just been thinking of next year at Mission.
And again
I think I might be the only taking the elective
Since everyone else is doing language at Mission or at least something more practical
And most of the people already at Mission don't even know about it since it's a new class next year,
and I should probably show you guys the post since those of you who haven't seen it won't know what I'm talking about.
Click me!
I think I might be the only taking the elective
Since everyone else is doing language at Mission or at least something more practical
And most of the people already at Mission don't even know about it since it's a new class next year,
and I should probably show you guys the post since those of you who haven't seen it won't know what I'm talking about.
Click me!
I have had 0 blog views today.
But I never put up my link anywhere until I've written something interesting
What is interesting?
Nothing's happened to me lately
Why can't I be normal?
But I never put up my link anywhere until I've written something interesting
What is interesting?
Nothing's happened to me lately
Why can't I be normal?
A List of People Who Had to Dance With Me for PE
This includes people who might have been rotated in since we have more guys than girls.
I will add more as we do more dances.
1. Kevin Lau *
2. Kevin Liu
3. Tony Zhu
4. Chase Patrick Cabbernoggeroughs
5. Karthik Something
6. Tommy Something
I hope none of them tells anyone about my sweaty hands...
I will add more as we do more dances.
1. Kevin Lau *
2. Kevin Liu
3. Tony Zhu
4. Chase Patrick Cabbernoggeroughs
5. Karthik Something
6. Tommy Something
I hope none of them tells anyone about my sweaty hands...
like like like like
That's all I ever say.
like like like
bum budum :e
bum budum :e
bum budum :e
bum budda budda :e
like like like
bum budum :e
bum budum :e
bum budum :e
bum budda budda :e
It's not unusual to be loved by anyone It's not unusual to have fun with anyone but when I see you hanging about with anyone It's not unusual to see me cry, :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj | |
Oh and on today's Nightmare on Puberty Street:
I dunno.
I liked it.
But everyone else is all
"Man, that was so boring. It wasn't even funny."
And I'm like
SO anyway.
The black guy had like one of those patterns in his hair.
I could see because I was sitting up front.
Anyway, I was probably just imagining this, but I could have sworn that at some point the pattern in his hair said "MOM".
And that gave me the best idea ever.
You know how sometimes you'll feel really impulsive and you might just wanna go out and get a tattoo?
Just carve your design INTO YOUR HAIR.
So when the next day comes and you have to regret it, it's okay because
oh and by the way, all of the actors are 21+ years old.
we asked
we did.
I liked it.
But everyone else is all
"Man, that was so boring. It wasn't even funny."
And I'm like
SO anyway.
The black guy had like one of those patterns in his hair.
I could see because I was sitting up front.
Anyway, I was probably just imagining this, but I could have sworn that at some point the pattern in his hair said "MOM".
And that gave me the best idea ever.
You know how sometimes you'll feel really impulsive and you might just wanna go out and get a tattoo?
Just carve your design INTO YOUR HAIR.
So when the next day comes and you have to regret it, it's okay because
oh and by the way, all of the actors are 21+ years old.
we asked
we did.
Last one today, I promise.
First off, Anthony's home from college! Yayyy USC gets early let-off.
So his girlfriend, Megan's family went on a trip to Czechoslovakia or something and they got me a gift. They gave it to my brother who gave it to me on Sunday. Actually, they gave it to him like a week ago, he just kept forgetting to give it to me. When he did, it was because we were going out to eat with them that night and "they're probably going to ask you about it."
It's like a fancy nail file. It's pretty.
But until I learn how to be Girl, I guess I'll just use it as like a letter opener or something lol
We went to go eat at the King Crab.
We had reservations and everything, but like there was a Wedding Reception going on in the restaurant. So basically, the table seating was like
And then they played the music from Robot Unicorn.
At a wedding reception.
It was basically the highlight of my life.
okay the end
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