For example: I like people who smile, I dislike negative people.
And since EVERYBODY had to say something, that means I participated for the very first time. I'm not exactly sure how I worded it, but it was really awkward since I didn't really know how to explain it. But basically, I said something along the lines of, "I dislike people who scan other people up and down with their eyes."
And a bunch of people started laughing, to my pleasant surprise. It was pretty awesome since I think that might have been the first time a lot of people even noticed I was there in the class. So while people were laughing, one of the group speakers (she was my favorite. Myra?) said, "I KNOW! Guys, when you do that, try to be a little more discreet, or at least do it from a distance. When a guy starts looking below my neck, it makes me a little uncomfortable..." and then she laughed.
But I was like, "wait wot." Since
- This has never applied to me before and
- That was like the opposite of what I was saying. No, not at all.
The good thing about that lesson though was that now I know some things that people like other people to do, so maybe I can use this new knowledge to help increase my social skills. Yeah!
Now move on to lunch.
We were just sitting on like this bench table thing near the Bell Tower and the Student Store. And I noticed at the very top of the Bell Tower platform was this random cereal box. And if you were there in that moment, you would understand why I was so awed by it.

Sorry, it looked a lot more impressive in real life. And I shook Cari and pointed it out to her, and she told me to get it since I couldn't take my eyes off of it.
And I know that the Bell Tower steps aren't really tall enough to be a hazard to your safety, but like. They were tall enough that you might attract attention if you were just standing at the very top. So I kind of just sat down, and step by step, I would kind of stretch and move up to the next one and sit down until I got to the top. And when I did, I reached out for the cereal box, and it tipped over with a thud.
And I was like, "wait wot" again because it was really heavy. And then I looked inside and there was a TEXTBOOK in it, and I was like, "ahhhhhh this is not normal" and I stared at Cari for help but I couldn't tell what she was saying so I just left it there and ran back down and she told me I didn't put it back up right but I didn't want to the end why did i even tell you guys this lol
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