

The “I Am” Poem

The final poem I will ask you to include in your poetry writing project is called an “I Am” poem.
This poem is supposed to reveal who you are. It follows a script, which you can depart from if
you feel it is necessary. Think of the script as a launching pad from which your creativity begins
a journey. See where it will go! To write an “I Am” poem, begin with this pattern:

I am…  (two special characteristics)
I wonder…  (something you could actually wonder about.)
I hear…  (imaginary or actual sounds)
I see…  (imaginary or actual sights)
I want…  (a desire you could have)
I am…  (repeat the first line of the poem)
I pretend…  (something you might pretend to do)
I feel…  (a feeling about the imaginary)
I touch…  (an imaginary touch)
I worry… (something that really bothers you)
I cry…  (something that makes you sad)
I am…  (repeat the first line of the poem)
I understand… (something you know to be true)
I say…  (something you believe in)
I dream…  (something you dream about)
I try… (something you make an effort to do)
I hope…  (something you really hope for)
I am…  (repeat the first line of the poem

I am bolding this so you know that this is the part that I'm writing. So for English, we have to write an I Am poem. I am stuck. There is nothing interesting about me. He wants the poem to be deep, revealing. It can't just answer the questions. They all have to relate. What to dooo


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