Let's talk about how I have the derpiest I.D. picture ever.
First I'm going to blame the photographer for it (even though it's really not his fault.) I thought I was super smart to go to the last line where they had this really young photographer guy and there was absolutely no line.
So I should've seen the signs. He is young = experienced. No line = bad service. No not really. He was polite enough I just don't know how to tilt my head and smile and position my knees I'm un-photogenic okay? I know that already qq
So once we get past the horrid expression, messy hair, sweaty face, awkward posture, ugly shirt (it really doesn't look like that in real life), there's something that really bothers me. You can't really see it in the picture since I couldn't hold my hand steady and get a good view, but on my I.D. photo, right at the bottom of my nose, is this little white line.
I don't even know what it is. It's really straight so it might've been something that the printer did. Or it could be a scratch because earlier in the car it fell out of my pocket and got stuck under my car seat where all of the rolling things are.
Can you see it? Well yeah. But it looks really weird. Like maybe I have a line of puss-y pimples lined on the bottom of my nose. But it's really not there.See? ):
And sorry guys you get a side picture. I have this weird webcam where the bottom thing is like.... you pull on it and use it to prop on the computer screen and it's like an alligator mouth but it's really flexible and not steady and my webcam always falls off or tips over because the cable cord is like pulling on it so I just put it on a flat surface which is the copier machine that's on the side of my face but I can't look at the webcam directly since I still need to see the computer screen and see if I'm actually in the picture because I don't know how to camwhore and not have to look at the camera to see if it's pointing at me since I'm shy and nobody likes ugly camwhores and I don't want to end my post like this since it's going to be a whining post as opposed to a post with whining in it so here's a picture of my webcam
I got this from the internet, not from my webcam. Since I can't take a picture of my webcam with my webcam! hahaha |
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