

But anyways

I am now probably at a way too short of a distance away from my computer screen, but I can see now!

So on Steve Carell leaving The Office:

Okay, so ever since Gabe showed up, I just really haven't been watching The Office that much. Not because he showed up, it was just coincidence. Like I mean I know that Gabe is supposed to be substituting for Michael, but I don't know what he actually is doing relative to the TV show plot.

And I missed the latest (?) episode, where Michael proposes to Holly. But also, my parents were gone for about 7 hours today, and I had all that time to myself! So I used it all by watching The Office On Demand and I didn't know that they had caught up so quickly. So I had watched 3 episodes already and the fourth one had a vague info description so I got kind of excited while I was watching it because of the foreshadowing. Like I really wasn't expecting the On Demand episodes to be so recent. But just a few days ago on Tumblr, mrsmichaelscott had posted about how she "loved the episode, but really wasn't expecting the Michael thing to happen so quickly." And like I sort of thought that it might have been him leaving but you know. I had 100 new posts to refresh so I didn't think much of that one little comment.

But as I was watching this episode, it became more and more apparent that it was gonna happen. And yet I was still... shocked when it did. Like I had already guessed how he was going to leave but it just felt like... something fell apart inside of me when it did. I dunno. I really liked The Office..

And I'm happy that Michael has finally found love, but
well and I'll still try to keep watching The Office,
but how are they going to... function without Michael?

I really don't care much about Gabe. Apparently he's Erin's (sp?) boyfriend but last I remembered Andy and Dwight were still fighting over her. But either way, she and Andy basically spend Valentine's together so ha, ha, Gabe.

Okay sorry. You guys can just skip this post. I think maybe I should've put this at the beginning but

oh and I don't like their new opening ):
they cut the song short again

oh well


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