I don't know. It hurts to see a 14 year old girl so sad. And to think that she wants to end her life.
There are 1593 other people on her blog right now, and there are so many people sending her messages in her ask box, but every time she finds a way to retaliate. It's not that she's a bad person. I didn't know about her until I saw a big row of reblogs of different posts all talking about a "Chey." But judging from what people who've already known her blog have said, she has an amazing sense of humor, she has an amazing personality. She's just amazing.
But everything she's saying. It doesn't sound like someone who's just depressed. She really wants to end things. She feels guilt toward all of the people who are telling her they love her, trying to stop her. And there are so many other people leaving messages about how they care and things will get better. And no matter how many people there are, she says that it doesn't matter because everyone who cares is miles away.
I mean I left a message, too. Her About Me section said to feel free to leave her a message; we could be best friends (: It was from when she was happier, so I guess it was inappropriate of me to ask her if we could be best friends. But her last post was over half an hour ago, and i really hope she's okay. And when she comes back, if she comes back, she'll see it and maybe we
will get to know each other. Again, she seems like an amazing person.
I don't know. I just hope she's okay.
Oh and on the last time I posted about someone else who was contemplating suicide, well. She deleted her blog. And apparently the best friend who made the post about how the friend was going to commit suicide (which got a gazillion notes) had just made her Tumblr and some people accused her of crying out for attention. People were saying about how she should've already been helping her best friend, not waiting until things got too late. I don't really know. I think her life went back to normal, and all that matters is that the other girl ended up ok.