

I read the Hunger Games in one day yesterday.

my weekends ):

Just for the record, Mark Cho remembers me.

I make too big of a deal.
So today was the end of finals, and lots of Mission kids came to visit us at little old Hopkins! I really don't have many ninth grader friends so I stayed for maybe one minute to say hi to one of them but then I had to leave.

So while Sunny and I are walking down that grass part near the parking lot, I hear someone yell out "REBECCA!" and I turn around sort of surprised and look around. And 70 feet away, or at least enough to make me squint, I see a guy standing with Claudia Shao and I think, "Why did Derek Fan just say hi to me he's five times too cool to ever talk to me."
So I just turn away and keep walking and then I realize that it's MARK CHO and in the back of my mind I vaguely remember that Claudia Shao is friends with him and then I get really excited and jump and yell Hi at the top of my lungs and wave and jump and wave. He basically makes the rest of my day. And

omg what if it was actually derek fan he and claudiao shao hang out a lot so it makes sense omg
and i couldn't even see that far so it would've made sense for me to make a mistake because he and mark kind of look alike
and derek would be thinking "why is that pathetic girl who can't do anything from 5th period Pe waving at me"
and my voice cracked
and omg

How do you measure 0.5 kilograms?

lul i'll bring my car to the post office

Ladies and gentleman,

Have a nice night though.

Our motor connector fell off.

Not the wire soldering.

The freaking motor connector.

Emphasize rage 


I guess I'm drunk on ice cream because I decided to stalk this guy's photo from a month ago and I commented 'there are two of you" haha please help
it's so cold

This is so frustrating we have just given up our car cannot run we lost our soldering iron our wires are snapped

We finished the gallon of ice cream and nearly the entire can of whip cream and it's the middle of January


this is exactly what blogging is for


Cari was at my house for 6 hours yesterday to work on the car project. This is how much we accomplished this week:


I love your hair.

Thanks. I grew it myself.

Along with all of this Fremont publicity

Our city is mentioned in the book The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.

Or at least according to Wikipedia.

Part II

Five years later, the Soviet Union invades Afghanistan. Amir and Baba escape to Peshawar, Pakistan and then to Fremont, California, where Amir and Baba, who lived in luxury in an expensive mansion in Afghanistan, settle in a run-down apartment and Baba begins work at a gas station.

The post is here!

Daniel Chiao washed my shoe for me during sixth period for free.

With his special "Shoe Eraser" and Amber's water bottle. Let's just see how long it takes me to dirty them up again, because he only washed the left shoe.

This is not really my shoe. Mines are a darker purple with gray shoelaces, but they are outside and I don't want to get them.

I'm counting on me being the only one who ever reads my blog, so please don't go asking him for his free services. He hates me already.

My Facebook detail box says "I'm David Hasselhoff."

Luke asked me who that was.

Today was a minimum day. When I came home from school, I was watching TV while I ate lunch.
The Spongebob Squarepants Movie was on.

Luke, you better have been watching that.
"It was my fault she died.

I told my parents my sister fell out of the tree house.

She slammed her head into what looked like a small rock from above. But in reality, I pushed her.

She ruined my doll house, and I was mad. This was when i was 9. 10 years later and I still cry myself to sleep."

Ode to Bread

So my mom comes home today with 11 inches of bread.
To express my appreciation, I wrote a poem about my love for bread.

Bread, bread, bread
I love you bread.
My head is filled
With thoughts of bread.

I'd find it sad
If one was dead
Before he had a taste of bread.

There's nothing more that I would dread
Than if I had run out of bread

Just grab a slice,
Some fresh-bred spread,
To bread, bread, bread
I will be wed.

Bread, bread, bread
I had been fed.
I love bread!
Rebecca said.

I am a five year old.

Hey all you people, hey all you people, hey all you people won't you listen to me?

I am done with my homework today and I don't know what to do now because I never have spare time but I am very happy and I've got bread.

Fremont's on Yahoo!News (:

Proud to be a citizen.

Guys I did my first genius question all by myself for the first time.

Let's see if it's right tomorrow!



Joshua Ho is at our house and he is our supervisor.



Look look look


About Me

   I don't know how to begin. I'm not a very interesting person. So I'll just make a list and add as I go.

1. I am 4 foot 11 and one quarter. But if anyone asks, I'm 5' 2"
2. When I'm in somebody else's bathroom, I like to smell their soap.
3. I can't stand feet. If someone's at my house and their feet are on my chair, I will push them off.
4. I like to bake but you really should never try it.
5. I have one older brother named Anthony Wu. He's 5 and a half years older than me and goes to USC.
6. I like hats but I don't have any.
7. I wash my hair every other day even though I should probably do it every day.
8. I don't know how to swallow pills.
9. I sit in the back seat of the car.
10. I'm very socially awkward.
11. The reason why I don't talk very much is, sometimes if I'm trying to say something, it comes out as a whisper and someone usually speaks over me so I'm just standing there mumbling to myself.
12. I eat basically 5 meals a day.
13. I eat when I'm happy.
14. I eat when I'm bored.
15. I eat when I'm sad.
16. I eat when I'm angry.
17. I eat a lot.
18. I can cook rice.
19. But I don't like rice.
20. I fall in love with every person I meet. I love you!

To be continued when I actually do something with my life. 1.8.11

21. My name is Rebecca Wu.
(still 1.8.11 but I just thought of this after I published the post)

Okay actually I liked Benjamin Nguyen in first grade too.

We would have those tables grouped in 5, and he sat right across from me. So every time he started writing his name on the top of his paper, I would see and get excited because the beginning of a B looks like the beginning of an R.

 Why did I like him?
Because he had the best Stitch imitation I've ever heard (:

By third grade, every eight-year old girl in the school was in love with him. So I was too because I thought I was supposed to.

I got a C- on my Ricks test.

Low expectations!

Skip this one I'm guilt-blogging.

My brother just came down to my office where I was studying for tomorrow's Ricks test, to give back a black VisaVis pen and one of those big green highlighters Dad gets for free at the office. He asked me if these were the ones he borrowed (to sign Megan's yearbook) even though he asked me for markers before and I couldn't find any except Mr. Sketch and he said he would just come back if he needed them and I guess he did come back later because those pens looked like they belonged in the office but I wasn't sure because I wasn't there when he took them and he said they might have just been lying around on his desk.

So this entire time (my hair's down) I'm bent over my science crossword even though its optional but I wanted to study well and I just said "mm" to everything he did. And only now do I realize that he must've been trying to strike up conversation and I was just ignoring him. And then he says, "Alright. Good luck on your Ricks test. ["mm"] Good night. Even though I'll still be awake." And I give him a last "mm" and I never even looked up once this entire time and I hear him go upstairs and say good night to my parents and now I feel really horrible and I'm crying and I still have to study and do history and write an English essay. But I really love my brother and he's going back to college tomorrow morning while I'm at school and I don't know if I'll have time to say goodbye but I really love him even though we never talked much because of our big age gap. And after he left, I spent a couple of minutes more on my crossword but then the guilt was getting exponentially larger and I didn't realize from what at first and then I finally figure out what this whole Anthony-coming-down-randomly-to-visit thing was all about. Oh and, right before he left, when he was halfway through the hallway, he comes back to the doorway and says, "Oh and sorry if I surprised you." And I say "mm" and I'm still bent over and then he walks away.


Blogger's New Post page wasn't working, but I switched to the Old Version, and I'm back!

No, sir! I don't wanna pay the price, not anymore.

Okay I'll start. In third grade, I had the biggest crush on Benjamin Nguyen.

But so did every other girl in the grade.

I know that my blog is already boring after three days, but

                Ricks test on Friday! Anyways, I promise you guys (or maybe it's just my blog views that's being counted, and I'm the only one that's ever on here) that I'll make it more interesting. This will be like my online diary journal.
                And on the question of identities? If I'm going to be talking about someone from school, if it embarrasses them, I'll make sure to keep them anonymous, or at least use different names. And when it comes to humiliating myself, I guess I'll put it up.
                Just saying, I always try to act cool in public. (Try.) It just happens before I think about it. And really, I'm not, and nobody thinks I am even though I'm acting like it. Because I have a lot of "okay ):" moments. Does that make sense? No it doesn't. Really, I'm just a pushover, and being a pushover comes with a lot of pathetic stories.  
                But it's no fun if I just go on with my life pretending they never happened. I'm gonna keep a record of it on the Internet—where it'll never go away! And years from now, we can all grab our yearbooks and laugh at that awkward girl from 8th grade, Rebbe- Rebuh- Rabek- Reberkely Wu?

Hey, in case you haven't noticed, the fish I have on the right underneath Popular Posts

follow your mouse around when you move it over the box. And you can click to feed them.

Oh, there we go.

Just stick around for 21 minutes, and then they'll load.

Well it's sort of a letdown when the smilies won't load even though they were working fine just yesterday.
This is exactly what blogging is for.

Do Smilies work in posts?

:mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj :mj

Cause here I am
so alone
and there's nothing in this world I can do :mj

Guess what guys?

I wore my hair up in a ponytail at school all day. And now it's down! I didn't even wash it.
(I'm an oily kid)              

In case you wanted to know

Back to my very first post, the one from yesterday?

Yeah, so I know how I said I was going to bed at 10 PM, but I really didn't until around midnight. I know it's not a big deal, but you know. I wanted to go to bed at 10 PM. I had my heart set on going to bed at 10 PM. And what time did I go to bed? 10 PM? No. I went at 12. That's not what I had planned.

So after I lock-tucked myself into bed, after nearly an hour had gone by, I had basically dozed off. Not like sleep-doze, but what happens when you're really bored and there's nothing to do, and you just fall asleep right there. And your head bobs up and down and you try to keep it up but half of you is asleep so basically it just flops around like a fish out of water. Except I was in bed. So that wasn't a problem.

And at 12:58 A.M., I suddenly wake up. And I'm sort of confused, because I am a deep sleeper, and I don't just wake up like that. And I'm wondering what it was that DID wake me up.

It was sort of like that time when Cari and Lesley came over for a sleepover, and Cari decided to take a picture of me sleeping in the morning (or more specifically, the afternoon.) Except she forgot to turn off the flash. And she basically flashed in my face, and it woke me up. On my side, though, my eyes were closed, so I really don't remember any bright light. I guess it was just my sixth sense that got me awake. And over night, I had completely forgot that they were there, and all I knew was I suddenly opened my eyes for no apparent reason and I was still lying on my pillow rolling my eyes around to try to find out what happened. And then Cari says from behind me, "Oh darn." and I hear her messing with her camera. And THEN I realized what happened.

Anyways, so I suddenly wake up in the middle of the night and I don't get why. And then I hear from my brother's room the coin sound from Facebook's Restaurant City. (He's still on his college vacation so he can do whatever he wants.) And I realize that I just woke up from my sleep because my brother finds the noises they make in Restaurant City soothing. At 1 in the morning.

My day was nice, though.

Heat Rises!

Right now right now I'm reading about "Why Warm Air Rises." 

Now, Rebecca, why so excited? 

Good question! Well, my sixth grade teacher (and third grade, too, as a matter of fact) whose name I will shamelessly post for all of you to see—Mrs. Allred—taught us that, if there was any one thing we would leave her room knowing, it's that heat rises! And why does it rise? She never told us why, we just had to remember. And now I'm being told why.

Now grab out your Hewitt Conceptual Physical Science and turn to page 164. Start at the top underneath Why Warm Air Rises.

"We all know that warm air rises." I do know!
"From our study of buoyancy we understand why this is so. Warm air expands, becomes less dense than the surrounding air, and is buoyed upward like a balloon THe buoyancy is ina nwunpward biredction
I'm bored.

I feel the sun creeping up like tick tock.
I'm trying to keep you in my head but if not qw'll just keep reunning from tomorrow iwith
This is too fast.
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