

In case you wanted to know

Back to my very first post, the one from yesterday?

Yeah, so I know how I said I was going to bed at 10 PM, but I really didn't until around midnight. I know it's not a big deal, but you know. I wanted to go to bed at 10 PM. I had my heart set on going to bed at 10 PM. And what time did I go to bed? 10 PM? No. I went at 12. That's not what I had planned.

So after I lock-tucked myself into bed, after nearly an hour had gone by, I had basically dozed off. Not like sleep-doze, but what happens when you're really bored and there's nothing to do, and you just fall asleep right there. And your head bobs up and down and you try to keep it up but half of you is asleep so basically it just flops around like a fish out of water. Except I was in bed. So that wasn't a problem.

And at 12:58 A.M., I suddenly wake up. And I'm sort of confused, because I am a deep sleeper, and I don't just wake up like that. And I'm wondering what it was that DID wake me up.

It was sort of like that time when Cari and Lesley came over for a sleepover, and Cari decided to take a picture of me sleeping in the morning (or more specifically, the afternoon.) Except she forgot to turn off the flash. And she basically flashed in my face, and it woke me up. On my side, though, my eyes were closed, so I really don't remember any bright light. I guess it was just my sixth sense that got me awake. And over night, I had completely forgot that they were there, and all I knew was I suddenly opened my eyes for no apparent reason and I was still lying on my pillow rolling my eyes around to try to find out what happened. And then Cari says from behind me, "Oh darn." and I hear her messing with her camera. And THEN I realized what happened.

Anyways, so I suddenly wake up in the middle of the night and I don't get why. And then I hear from my brother's room the coin sound from Facebook's Restaurant City. (He's still on his college vacation so he can do whatever he wants.) And I realize that I just woke up from my sleep because my brother finds the noises they make in Restaurant City soothing. At 1 in the morning.

My day was nice, though.


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